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Photoalbum of Stanislav

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Here you can find some photographs of me in different periods of life. It is not easy to distinguish between photos with me alone and those with my family and friends. However, here I am presented, though in my life I am rather a photographer than a photo object.







Year of 2019















































2019.12.30 I won 1,000,000 at a casino! And not only this (as the check) but also yummy things! 😊
2019.12.30 I won 1,000,000 at a casino! The personal check signed by the chief accountant. 😊
2019.12.30 I won 1,000,000 at a casino! The shock of receiving the check. 😮
2019.12.30 All shades of joy of the dollar rich: emotion #4.
2019.12.30 All shades of joy of the dollar rich: emotion #3.
2019.12.30 All shades of joy of the dollar rich: emotion #2.
2019.12.30 All shades of joy of the dollar rich: emotion #1.
2019.12.30 So happy when a pack of (fake) dollars are in the hands. 😊
2019.12.30 In the interior of the “Peperoni” pizzeria in Vladimir: on a windowsill.
2019.12.30 In the interior of the “Peperoni” pizzeria in Vladimir: in a corner.
2019.12.30 In the interior of the “Peperoni” pizzeria in Vladimir: at a table.
2019.12.30 The who does not drink at a celebration – takes pictures. :-) Sometimes it turns out a lot of interesting things. :-D
2019.12.30 In a tuxedo with another Christmas tree, this time of the “Pepperoni” pizzeria in Vladimir.
2019.12.30 I am emotionally saying a New Year's toast at the corporate celebration.
2019.12.30 In a “pre-NY” tuxedo at the corporate celebration of the New Year.
2019.12.30 What kind of casino is (fake) so the dollars are. 😊
2019.12.29 I wonder which side is more photogenic for me to lean on? this one, the left one?
2019.12.29 I wonder which side is more photogenic for me to lean on? this one, the right one?
2019.12.29 Love is love at any angle, even vertically.
2019.12.29 Love is at any angle love, even at (almost) 45°.
2019.12.29 A rare shot – I am taking a selfie. The lack of experience explains the blurring of the image.
2019.12.29 A pathetic attempt to portray a sublime (thoughtful?) look…
2019.12.29 I am imitating interest in such a strange element of decor as a small copy of the famous English red telephone booth (which, fortunately, I once had the opportunity to see live in London, where they are almost no longer used for their intended purpose).
2019.12.29 Is LOVE for relaxation?
2019.12.29 Is LOVE a serious thing?
2019.12.29 After the remark about the slouching posture, I sat up straighter. 😊
2019.12.29 New Year card (2) with a snow-white false fireplace.
2019.12.29 New Year card (1) with a snow-white false fireplace.
2019.12.29 When I was taking a lilac (or who knows more about colors than me?) T-shirt with me to a photo studio, I did not expect that there would be a lilac furry rug waiting for me!.. 😮
2019.12.29 Not before every New Year you can relax and sit in a snow-white chair happy and calm…
2019.12.29 Even if a family is in crisis, hold on and look to the future.
2019.12.27 This was the most difficult thing: to take advantage of the absence of maestro Artem Markin and have the audacity to imagine myself as him, the conductor of the Vladimir Governor's Orchestra. 😊
2019.12.27 An experienced and patient teacher, I think, will teach the cello even to a monkey like me.
2019.12.27 For the first time it is very difficult to blow properly and control the valves of a fagott(o) so as to extract at least some sound, especially not a disgusting one.
2019.12.27 Sometimes it is simply impossible not to start learning to play the flute. 😊
2019.12.27 Even though I was taught by a majorette, I never became a major. 😊
2019.12.27 While normal people use this lighting device to evenly illuminate photos, others play an owl in a tree hollow. :-D
2019.12.27 When the decorators of the New Year's photo zone of the Classical Music Center for some reason spared the black fabric in height, so that it is barely possible to make a vertical frame with a star on the top of the Christmas tree, a graphic editor helps.
2019.12.27 While a sound engineer is not at the console, and caretakers of the classical music hall are gaping, let me imagine myself as the sound engineer. 😊
2019.12.27 “Night in the Orchestra” of the Classical Music Center allows you to see and touch (!) such amazing musical instruments (like this vibrating metal plate in a frame) the names of which neither you nor your fellow musicians know ;-), nor…
2019.12.27 “Night in the Orchestra” is a wonderful event of the Classical Music Center in Vladimir where you can feel like a drummer!.. :-) and/or find out that you can't put things on a piano!.. :-D
2019.11.23 Joyful and inspired after a kart race at the “Lux Kart” track. Not an advertisement! 😊
2019.11.23 Equipped and glad before the start of a kart race at the “Lux Kart” track.
2019.11.23 So serious before the start of a kart race at the “Lux Kart” track.
2019.11.23 In a balaclava before a winter kart race at the “Lux Kart” track.
2019.10.07 In the role of Icarus :-) although in fact this is a later project of the genius Leonardo da Vinci exhibited at the Rome airport named after him.
2019.10.06 In the Italian “Ferrari” brand store in Italian Rome.
2019.10.06 With full-size Pinocchio in the Bertolucci theme store in Rome.
2019.10.06 In the role of Pinocchio in the Bertolucci theme store in Rome.
2019.10.06 One of the last photos with the Roman Colosseum, a bottom-up view in the portrait orientation.
2019.10.06 One of the last photos with the Roman Colosseum, a general plan in the landscape orientation.
2019.10.06 Wow, what… a column!.. ;-)
2019.10.06 I have been sitting at the desk of the catacombs of Saint Callisto (Catacombe di San Callisto) since 1872 :-) (judging by the tablet with the Roman number MDCCCLXXII).
2019.10.06 Russian and Polka are “brothers” (more precisely, “brother” and “sister”) forever. :-) With a Russian-speaking Polish woman after her wonderful excursion in the underground catacombs of Saint Callisto (Catacombe di San Callisto).
2019.10.06 In the tall underground catacombs (tombs of Roman Christians) of Saint Callisto (Catacombe di San Callisto).
2019.10.06 “Pompi” confectionery shops (“bars”) in Rome can even make a foodporn blogger out of me. 😊
2019.10.06 Ravioli is one of those Italian dishes that you should definitely try if you are in Italy.
2019.10.06 With the bought for children (who are football players) scarf of the main Roman football club “Roma” at its home stadium “Olympic”.
2019.10.06 One Italian ice cream (gelato) is good, and two are even better! 😊
2019.10.06 At long last my waiting for the Pope's Francis every-Sunday appearance to the people gathered in Saint Peter's Square in the Vatican (Rome) was successful!.. A very nice man, even from the point of view of me, a non-Catholic.
2019.10.06 While waiting for the Pope's appearance to the people in Saint Peter's Square have to watch on TV the service in his basilica.
2019.10.06 Sitting on a stone pedestal in Saint Peter's Square, waiting for the end of the service in his basilica and the Pope's appearance to the people.
2019.10.06 The Pope's Swiss guards don't really like to be photographed with anyone (especially with idly staggering tourists), so from afar.
2019.10.05 In Italy, the birthplace of Pinocchio and delicious ice cream, it is simply impossible not to combine all this. 😊
2019.10.05 Horrified by the fact that the Mouth of Truth (Bocca della Verità), according to legend, could “bite off” the hand if the one who is “interrogated” lies.
2019.10.05 In Russia it could be just some ravine without any special history but in Rome it is the Greatest/Largest Circus (Circus Maximus) – the most extensive hippodrome of the Ancient Rome which could accommodate 250,000 spectators.
2019.10.05 How to recognize a Russian tourist in the Orange Garden (Giardino degli Aranci) of Rome? ;-)
2019.10.05 The Lord of the Stump :-D in the Orange Garden (Giardino degli Aranci) of Rome, under the gloomy sky of the Eternal City.
2019.10.05 For some reason I am sad here but actually was happy that got to the Orange Garden (Giardino degli Aranci) of Rome.
2019.10.05 Standing on the territory of one country (Italy), I am looking through a keyhole of another country (the Order of Malta) across its courtyard to a cathedral of a third country (the Vatican).
2019.10.05 On the embankment of the Tyrrhenian Sea (mar Tirreno) in the town of Lido di Ostia (a district of Rome).
2019.10.05 An 8-ray wind rose (a pointer of the cardinal directions) on the Tyrrhenian Sea (mar Tirreno) embankment in the town of Lido di Ostia (a district of Rome).
2019.10.05 Either I'm swimming (to the shore), or already walking in the Tyrrhenian Sea (mar Tirreno) in the town of Lido di Ostia (a district of Rome).
2019.10.05 The triumph of Russian courage over Italian indecision in the example of swimming in the Tyrrhenian Sea (mar Tirreno) on October 5.
2019.10.05 Half an hour by train from Rome – and you are at the sea, the Tyrrhenian one (mar Tirreno), in the coastal town of Lido di Ostia (formally a district of Rome, and in ancient times its port).
2019.10.05 The Pyramid of Cestius (Piramide di Caio Cestio) is slightly at the right, almost in the center, and Saint Paul's Gate (Porto San Paolo) at the right, next to the railway station of the same name, where I am going to.
2019.10.05 The unusual interior design of the Cathedral of Saint John the Baptist in the Lateran (Basilica di San Giovanni in Laterano) allows to take unusual photos in the “find me” style. 😊
2019.10.05 Inside the discreet but stately Cathedral of Saint John the Baptist in the Lateran (Basilica di San Giovanni in Laterano).
2019.10.05 I wonder if this fence stone and chain are as old as this Roman Cathedral of Saint John the Baptist in the Lateran (Basilica di San Giovanni in Laterano)?..
2019.10.05 In front of the Cathedral of Saint John the Baptist in the Lateran (Basilica di San Giovanni in Laterano), one of the 4 major/papal basilicas of Rome, with the the cathedra of the Roman bishop and the Papal throne.
2019.10.05 It seems that this is a castle but in fact just a gate with towers called Porta Asinaria, a part of the Aurelian Walls (Mura Aureliane) of Rome.
2019.10.04 In the great city of Rome (particularly, in the park of Villa Borghese) you feel yourself majestic. 😊
2019.10.04 A Russian will find a wild persimmon even in the park of Villa Borghese and will eat it even while driving a bicycle cart. 😊
2019.10.04 Passenger-“engine” of a 2-seat bicycle cart (the 2nd, driver, is taking the picture) in the park of Villa Borghese (Rome, Italy).
2019.10.04 A temporary pavilion on the closest to me edge of People's Square (Piazza del Popolo) in Rome makes the whole view not so worse if you get upper, closer to Villa Borghese.
2019.10.04 I'm not sure if Gelateria dei Gracchi is the best ice cream cafe in Rome but their ice cream is definitely yum-yum!.. 😊
2019.10.04 Not every square is entered through a gate but People's Square (Piazza del Popolo) of Rome is – through People's Gate (Porta del Popolo) of thi-i-is size.
2019.10.04 At the base of the (Egyptian) Flaminio Obelisk in the center of People's Square (Piazza del Popolo) in Rome, among Italians and tourists.
2019.10.04 Sitting on 1 of the 4 bowls of the Obelisk Fountain (Fontana dell'Obelisco) in the center of People's Square (Piazza del Popolo) in Rome.
2019.10.04 A temporary pavilion on the closest to me edge of People's Square (Piazza del Popolo) in Rome makes the whole view worse.
2019.10.04 It isn't allowed farther :-( to see the inner beauty of the Church of Trinità dei Monti (Chiesa della Trinità dei Monti) in Rome.
2019.10.04 A straight view to the Spanish Steps (Scalinata di Trinità dei Monti) and the Square of Spain (Piazza di Spagna) from the 2nd level of balconies.
2019.10.04 A right view to the Spanish Steps (Scalinata di Trinità dei Monti) and the Square of Spain (Piazza di Spagna) from the 2nd level of balconies.
2019.10.04 On the last but one stair landing of the Spanish Steps (Scalinata di Trinità dei Monti) before I get to the Church of Trinità dei Monti (Chiesa della Trinità dei Monti) after which the steps are named in Italian.
2019.10.04 A straight view to the Spanish Steps (Scalinata di Trinità dei Monti) and the Square of Spain (Piazza di Spagna) from the 1st level of balconies.
2019.10.04 Barely visible against the background of the Church of Trinità dei Monti (Chiesa della Trinità dei Monti) that is the top end point of the Spanish Steps, in Italian named after the church (Scalinata di Trinità dei Monti).
2019.10.04 On the grand Spanish Steps (Scalinata di Trinità dei Monti) rising from the Square of Spain (Piazza di Spagna) to the Church of Trinità dei Monti (Chiesa della Trinità dei Monti).
2019.10.04 A view from Trajan's Forum (Forum Traiani, 112 AD) to his column (Colvmna Traiani, 113 AD) and the Church of the Holy Name of Mary (Ss. Nominis Mariae ad Forum Traiani, 1736-1751).
2019.10.04 In the shade of the greenery of the ancient Roman ruins, more exactly, of the Roman Forum.
2019.10.04 With a view to the Roman Forum (Forum Romanum) from the height of the remains of the giant library of the Temple of Augustus (Bibliotheca Templi Augusti) or of the Palace of Tiberius (Bibliotheca Domus Tiberianae) on the Palatine Hill.
2019.10.04 By the remains of the giant library of the Temple of Augustus (Bibliotheca Templi Augusti) or of the Palace of Tiberius (Bibliotheca Domus Tiberianae) on the Palatine Hill.
2019.10.04 Against the background of the remains of the ancient Roman Temple of Castor and Pollux (Tempio di Castore e Polluce, 484 BC) in the Roman Forum (Foro Romano).
2019.10.04 At the foot of the high Church of San Lorenzo in Miranda (Chiesa di San Lorenzo in Miranda) re-build in the 7th century from the ancient Roman (141 AD) Temple of Antoninus and Faustina.
2019.10.04 Against the background of the remains of the Palatine Stadium (Stadium Platinum), which was part of the palace of the Emperor Domitian (Palatium Domitianus), and which is therefore often confused with the Stadium of Domitian (Circus Agonalis).
2019.10.04 A view from an observation balcony of the Farnese Villa to the Roman Forum, including remains of the Basilica of Maxentius (Basilica di Massenzio, 308 – 312) and the Basilica of Saint Francesca Romana (Basilica di Santa Francesca Romana, 1352).
2019.10.04 On an observation balcony of the the Farnese Villa (Orti Farnesiani) the statues turned out to be not stone but cardboard, of that su-u-uch thickness…
2019.10.04 In front of the fountain with the tautological name “Teatro del Fontanone”, which is part of the Farnese Gardens/Villa (Orti Farnesiani).
2019.10.04 A view from an observation deck to the Roman Forum (Foro Romano), including remains of the Basilica of Maxentius (Basilica di Massenzio, 308 – 312) and the Basilica of Saint Francesca Romana (Basilica di Santa Francesca Romana, 1352).
2019.10.04 Under the Arch of Titus with the famous emblematic phrase “The Senate and People of Rome” (Senatus Populusque Romanus, SPQR).
2019.10.04 Inside the Colosseum, view 12 of 12.
2019.10.04 Inside the Colosseum, view 11 of 12.
2019.10.04 Inside the Colosseum, view 10 of 12.
2019.10.04 Inside the Colosseum, view 9 of 12.
2019.10.04 Inside the Colosseum, view 8 of 12.
2019.10.04 Inside the Colosseum, view 7 of 12.
2019.10.04 Inside the Colosseum, view 6 of 12.
2019.10.04 Inside the Colosseum, view 5 of 12.
2019.10.04 Inside the Colosseum, view 4 of 12.
2019.10.04 Inside the Colosseum, view 3 of 12.
2019.10.04 Inside the Colosseum, view 2 of 12.
2019.10.04 Inside the Colosseum, view 1 of 12.
2019.10.03 Along a wall of the Vatican in Rome (the state inside the state).
2019.10.03 With strict Swiss guards, guarding the Vatican since 1506 in the uniform made from Michelangelo's drawings, you cannot take a picture any closer.
2019.10.03 At the foot of a column of Saint Peter's Basilica (Basilica di San Pietro) to understand its (and the cathedral's) size.
2019.10.03 Inside the main Catholic temple of the world – Saint Peter's Basilica (Basilica di San Pietro), near the central place.
2019.10.03 Inside the main Catholic temple of the world – Saint Peter's Basilica (Basilica di San Pietro), a view with a perspective.
2019.10.03 On the roof of Saint Peter's Basilica (Basilica di San Pietro), with one of its side domes.
2019.10.03 On the roof of Saint Peter's Basilica (Basilica di San Pietro), with its main dome: I'm smaller, and the dome fits.
2019.10.03 On the roof of Saint Peter's Basilica (Basilica di San Pietro), with its main dome: I'm bigger, and the dome has its spire cut. :-(
2019.10.03 When you walk between the slanted walls of the dome of Saint Peter's Basilica, your vestibular system begins to misbehave and to tell the brain that the body slants too. 😊
2019.10.03 It is not a wonky horizon at the photograph but a really slanted downstairs between the walls of the dome of the Roman-Vatican Saint Peter's Basilica.
2019.10.03 I do not care about my hair :-) when there is such a view behind the grill… to Saint Peter's Square and Rome.
2019.10.03 A blurry imprint of me stepping up by gentle spiral staircase to the dome of Saint Peter's Basilica in Rome.
2019.10.03 Against the background of Saint Peter's Basilica (Basilica di San Pietro), right view.
2019.10.03 Against the background of Saint Peter's Basilica (Basilica di San Pietro), front view.
2019.10.03 On Saint Peter's Square (Piazza San Pietro) in Rome with its Bernini Fountain (Fontana del Bernini).
2019.10.03 On the way to Vatican and its Saint Peter's Basilica (Basilica di San Pietro in Vaticano) in Rome.
2019.10.03 The Сastle of the Holy Angel (Castel Sant'Angelo) from another, less remarkable side.
2019.10.03 The Сastle of the Holy Angel (Castel Sant'Angelo) has a tautological name but looks very unusual.
2019.10.03 In the stone bed of the Tiber with a strange constructon of rings embedded in the wall and connecting them a chain and a rope. :-?
2019.10.03 Against the background of the Tiber flowing through the eternal Rome to Saint Peter's Basilica in Vatican (in the distance).
2019.10.03 At the Fountain of 4 Rivers (Fontana dei Quattro Fiumi) on Navona Square (Piazza Navona) in half a length.
2019.10.03 At the Fountain of 4 Rivers (Fontana dei Quattro Fiumi) on Navona Square (Piazza Navona) in full length.
2019.10.03 At Navona Square (Piazza Navona) with an Egyptian obelisk (81 – 96 years) standing in its middle with the Fountain of 4 Rivers (Fontana dei Quattro Fiumi, 1647 – 1651).
2019.10.03 Clumsily setting my leg aside, as Insta-girls (skillfully) do this, against the background of the Moor Fountain (Fontana del Moro).
2019.10.03 Sitting on the fence of the Moor Fountain (Fontana del Moro) in Navona Square (Piazza Navona) in Rome.
2019.10.03 This is how tempting Italian street restaurants show the fresh ingredients they use to prepare their dishes.
2019.10.03 While in Russia the smallest Renault – 1-seat electric Twizy – is only sold, in Rome it drives around and parks where others can't! :-P
2019.10.03 Inside the Roman Pantheon it is rather crowded.
2019.10.03 With a nimbus from a hole in the dome of the Roman Pantheon, through which, allegedly, rain never falls on the floor of the temple (that's a lie:-).
2019.10.03 I'm cooled by a fountain of the Renaissance (1575) at Rotonda (Pantheon) Square in Rome.
2019.10.03 At Rotonda Square (Piazza della Rotonda) with a fountain of the Renaissance (1575), the ancient Egyptian Macuteo Obelisk (Obelisco Macuteo) from the times of Ramses II (1279 – 1213 BC) and the ancient Roman Pantheon of the Emperor Hadrian's edition (113 –
2019.10.03 At the Square of Monte Citorio (Piazza di Monte Citorio) in Rome with the homonymous obelisk (Obelisco di Montecitorio) of ancient Egyptian origin.
2019.10.03 Me the insignificant as compared to (the Column of) Marcus Aurelius (Colonna di Marco Aurelio) on Column Square (Piazza Colonna) in Rome.
2019.10.03 It's hard to take a picture without other people in the frame at the crowded Trevi fountain in Rome.
2019.10.03 At the left side of the Trevi fountain in Rome.
2019.10.03 I'm going to throw a coin for happiness into the Trevi fountain in Rome.
2019.10.03 It's hard to take a picture without other people in the frame at the crowded Trevi fountain in Rome.
2019.10.03 At the right side of the Trevi fountain in Rome.
2019.10.03 At the right side of the Trevi fountain in Rome.
2019.10.03 It's hard to take a picture without other people in the frame at the crowded Trevi fountain in Rome.
2019.10.03 It's hard to take a picture without other people in the frame at the crowded Trevi fountain in Rome.
2019.10.03 Italian gelato is not your ordinary ice cream, even Baskin Robbins can't compete it. :-P
2019.10.03 A view from an observation deck by Capitoline Square to the Arch of Septimius Severus (Arco di Settimio Severo), the remains of the Temple of Vespasian and Titus (Tempio di Vespasiano e Tito) and the Roman Forum (Foro Romano).
2019.10.03 It's a pleasure to drink from an ancient faucet with the inscription “SPQR” though the inscription “COV...[ID-19?]” below is scaring. 😮
2019.10.03 A view from an observation deck by Capitoline Square to the Forum of Caesar (Forum Cæsari) and the Church of Saints Luke and Martina (Chiesa dei Santi Luca e Martina).
2019.10.03 I was a little bit surprised by the modest size of the monument of the Capitoline Wolf (Lupa Capitolina) who milked the founders of Rome, twin brothers Romulus and Remus.
2019.10.03 With the Fountain of the Goddess of Rome (Fontana della Dea Roma) who is actually the Greek Athena; on the photo there're also the Nile at the left, and the Tiber at the right.
2019.10.03 At the equestrian statue of the Roman Emperor (161 – 180) Marcus Aurelius in the center of Capitoline Square.
2019.10.03 At one of the three Capitoline Museums on Capitoline Square of Rome.
2019.10.03 On the decorated with statues, wide paved road/stairs Cordonata Capitolina, which leads to Capitoline Square designed by Michelangelo.
2019.10.03 At the “Egyptian Lions” fountains by the bottom of the stairs from the Basilica of Saint Mary of the Altar of Heaven (Basilica di Santa Maria in Ara coeli).
2019.10.03 Sitting at a side of the Vittoriano on the steep stairs leading to the Basilica of Saint Mary of the Altar of Heaven (Basilica di Santa Maria in Ara coeli).
2019.10.03 Either a torpedo boat, or a submarine of the times either of the 1st World War, or of the 2nd one but definitely in the museum of the Italian army at the Vittoriano.
2019.10.03 Inside the Vittoriano there is a museum of the Italian army, and this is one of its aircrafts of the beginning of the 20th century.
2019.10.03 The Vittoriano inside is as solemnly as outside, and that does not prevent the window from overlighting the photo of me.
2019.10.03 In the central “yard” of the Vittoriano (a monument in honor of Victor Emmanuel II, the first king of the united Italy) with its impressive colonnade.
2019.10.03 The heads of me and the horse of Victor Emmanuel II, the first king of the united Italy.
2019.10.03 It's difficult to take a picture without people at the popular statue of Victor Emmanuel II, the first king of the united Italy.
2019.10.03 Me looking from a balcony of the Vittoriano to Venice Square with the Italian flag made of flowers.
2019.10.03 Against the background of the honor guard of the Italian military memorial in the center of the Vittoriano.
2019.10.03 A view of the Vittoriano (a monument in honor of Victor Emmanuel II, the first king of the united Italy) from its stairs.
2019.10.03 When there's no elder son around – I'm instead of him, when there's no police officer (the son “collects” photos with) – an Italian military officer is OK. 😊
2019.10.03 With the “Adriatic Sea” fountain (at the left part of the Vittoriano) in an imitating pose.
2019.10.03 With the “Tyrrhenian Sea” fountain (at the right part of the Vittoriano) in an imitating pose.
2019.10.03 With the “Tyrrhenian Sea” fountain (at the right part of the Vittoriano) in a usual pose.
2019.10.03 With the “Tyrrhenian Sea” fountain (at the right part of the Vittoriano) and not very good against the sun.
2019.10.03 View of the Vittoriano (a monument in honor of Victor Emmanuel II, the first king of the united Italy) from Venice Square.
2019.10.03 Against the background of the Church of the Holy Name of Mary (at the left) and Trajan's Column (at the right).
2019.10.03 A view of the Vittoriano (a monument in honor of Victor Emmanuel II, the first king of the united Italy) from Trajan's Forum/Column.
2019.10.03 Against the background of Trajan's Forum (below), his Column (farther in the center), Palazzo Valentini (behind it at the left) and the Church of the Holy Name of Mary (behind it at the right).
2019.10.03 Here's Roman emperor Augustus (Imp. Caesari Avgvsto Divif Patri Patriae) with flowers, and me somehow relaxed without.
2019.10.03 Between the Roman fora (behind me and in front of me)… and between the ancient Rome and a later one (at the right).
2019.10.03 Pathetic imitation of the greatness of Roman emperor Nerva (Imp. Caesari Nervae Avg.).
2019.10.03 Against the background of what remained of the (Transitorium) Forum of Nerva – the 4th of 5 imperial fora of Rome.
2019.10.03 At the entrance to the Church of Saint Bonaventura at the Palatine, a fairly young (XVII century) one as compared to the ancient Rome.
2019.10.03 Around ancient Roman ruins on the Palatine Hill – the central one of the 7 main hills of Rome.
2019.10.03 With the Arch of Titus in Rome (yet not near it, it's behind the fence).
2019.10.03 I am walking up the Sacred Street (via Sacra) from the Roman Colosseum to the Arch of Titus.
2019.10.03 With the Arch of Constantine in Rome (near the Colosseum) in the background.
2019.10.03 I always dreamed of being photographed with the Coliseum – and now the dream has come true! 😊
2019.10.03 The first time in the metro of Rome: all inscriptions are clear… if I knew Italian. 😊
2019.10.03 At the time of this photo I didn't know that this “umbrella” tree in Italy (Rome) is a stone pine, also known as Italian stone pine. 😊
2019.10.03 At the stately foundation of the ancient Roman road (via) Casilina Vecchia in Rome.
2019.10.02 Tired but happily arriving to Rome by a train of Trenitalia.
2019.10.02 For the first time in the new international airport of Zhukovsky – a small (cozy) and desert (spacious).
2019.10.02 In the duty free zone a new international airport (guess which one or wait for the next photograph).
2019.08.03 “Derbenev's Gatherings”, more exactly, “lyings” :-) in Ulovo.
2019.07.26 A rare for our time instant physical photograph (from Polaroid-like camera) made in the “Peal of the Golden Ring” park and hotel.
2019.07.26 So strict on “family” swings in the “Peal of the Golden Ring” park and hotel.
2019.07.26 So imposing on “family” swings in the “Peal of the Golden Ring” park and hotel.
2019.07.06 Climbing up while it can be done in a rope park of Dobrograd without payment and security control! :-P
2019.06.18 Who can calculate my weight on Earth if on Jupiter I would weigh 176 kilograms? ;-)
2019.06.09 An acting optical illusion “a tap from nowhere with water flowing” that is larger than me.
2019.06.09 Severe Mr. StingRay (this is my computer nickname I once actively used) in a water park before getting on a slide named after him. 😊
2019.06.09 How I was “flushed down the toilet” 😮 (in a water park)…
2019.06.09 Accidentally I found a pointer with my once actively used computer nickname “StingRay”.
2019.06.08 Even having vacation on Rhodes, we found a sport bar to cheer for the Russian football team against the national team of San Marino.
2019.06.08 Acting like a child with a children's bungee. 😊
2019.06.07 I am in the forward role playing high.
2019.06.07 I am in the forward role playing low.
2019.06.07 Here I go with giant steps over a football field. 😊
2019.06.07 The goalkeeper should move sideways and only look at the ball.
2019.06.07 “Come on, the ball, fly directly into the hands of the goalkeeper!” 😊
2019.06.07 The king not of the mountain but of the ball made of stones in steel hoops.
2019.06.07 At the confluence of the Aegean (at the the left) and Mediterranean (at the right) seas at the northern tip of the Rhode island, view #2.
2019.06.07 At the confluence of the Aegean (at the the left) and Mediterranean (at the right) seas at the northern tip of the Rhode island, view #1.
2019.06.07 Here is a flower of gigantic herbs of the “Banana” genus.
2019.06.06 Like waiting for a Rhodes bus.
2019.06.06 With black-and-white Rhodes cat.
2019.06.06 With (almost) white Rhodes cat.
2019.06.06 With a rescue (fire?) cutter of the Rhodes' Coast Guard (close-up).
2019.06.06 With a rescue (fire?) cutter of the Rhodes' Coast Guard (long shot).
2019.06.06 On a pedestal in the shade of Colossus of Rhodes' pillar.
2019.06.06 With the Fort of Saint Nicholas at the eponymous bay in the background.
2019.06.06 Here it is clearly visible not what kind of Don Quijote I am ;-) but that a windmill with such blades can be only decorative.
2019.06.06 On stone breakwaters of the outer side of the Mandraki Bay, with decorative windmills in the background.
2019.06.06 When on a narrow street of the Old Town of Rhodes not the angle is bad but the lighting.
2019.06.06 On the bridge to an entrance to the Old Town of Rhodes, with its severe wall in the background.
2019.06.06 I built myseft 2 towers-bases of pebbles at the entrance to the “bay” and became like the Colossus of Rhodes. 😊
2019.06.05 I am mimicking on the multi-colored background at the Church of Saint Nicholas in a cave of the Rhodes.
2019.06.05 On the Filerimos hill with a view to the Rhodes island.
2019.06.05 On the Filerimos hill with a view to the Rhodes island and the Aegean Sea.
2019.06.05 Such a little man as compared to the huge 18-meter high concrete cross on the Filerimos hill.
2019.06.05 At the stone shrine #1 with the bronze engraving of the Station #1 (Jesus is condemned to death) on the Way of the Cross, or rather its copy on the Filerimos hill.
2019.06.05 The only chance to put your hand on an ostrich :-) is at the entrance to the (Ostrich) Farma of Rhodes.
2019.06.05 Fitness in a hammock. 😊
2019.06.05 Like an angel at the (Ostrich) Farma Rhodes.
2019.06.05 Some goat left me its horns. >:-)
2019.06.05 Pony is looking for food in my pocket, and I have nothing but stroking of its crest…
2019.06.05 Donkey is man's best friend, even if the man is me. 😊
2019.06.05 Feeding an ostrich with caution.
2019.06.05 I think I could be an ostrich shepherd… 😊
2019.06.05 Welcame to the Valley of Butterflies (on the Rhodes).
2019.06.04 When a swing is hung among coastal trees with such a landscape (of the Aegean Sea) in the background you don't notice that the swing is crooked.
2019.06.04 With the rented on the Rhodes subcompact car Volkswagen Up!
2019.06.04 The Aegean Sea at the Rhodes is more turbulent than the Mediterranean (on the other side of the island).
2019.06.04 On a wild beach of the Aegean Sea washing the Rhodes.
2019.06.04 With a picturesque (Orthodox?) church of the Rhodes in the background.
2019.06.04 With the Rhodes Aegean panorama in the background.
2019.06.04 This is a symbolic image of the Mediterranean (С) and Aegean (Э) seas' confluence on the Prasonisi sand spit, and not what you thought about. :-P
2019.06.04 In the “heart” of the place called the “Kiss of 2 Seas” – the place of the Mediterranean and Aegean seas' bubbling confluence.
2019.06.04 On the “Mediterranean” side of the Prasonisi sand spit leading to the place of the Mediterranean and Aegean seas' confluence.
2019.06.04 In the place called the “Kiss of 2 Seas” – the place of the Mediterranean and Aegean seas' confluence.
2019.06.04 With the heart-shaped Saint Paul's Bay in the background (a view from the road to it).
2019.06.03 With the heart-shaped Saint Paul's Bay in the background (a view from the Acropolis of Lindos).
2019.06.03 With the Bay of Lindos (also heart-shaped) in the background (view #4).
2019.06.03 With the Bay of Lindos (also heart-shaped) in the background (view #3).
2019.06.03 With the Bay of Lindos (also heart-shaped) in the background (view #2).
2019.06.03 With the Bay of Lindos (also heart-shaped) in the background (view #1).
2019.06.03 Here I'm not just portraying Sisyphus but also trying to figure out who was rustling among the rocks…
2019.06.03 With white houses of the Lindos town on the Rhodes in the background.
2019.06.03 The driver of the rented on the Rhodes subcompact Volkswagen Up!
2019.06.03 Chilling on the Lindos Beach (of a town on the Rhodes island) while far and above me there is its Acropolis (where I'll go later, of course).
2019.06.03 Donkey is a friend of man… in a hat. 😊
2019.06.03 A view to the Mediterranean Sea from the Tsambika mountain monastery on the island of Rhodes.
2019.06.03 A view from the so-called Tsambika mountain to the Mediterranean coast of the Rhodes.
2019.06.03 It is good when after 220+some steps to the top of the mountain you can rest sitting on a armchair.
2019.06.03 I have just leant on a mountain tree, and at the same time it has become a little bit crooked. 😮
2019.06.03 Such mountain beauty presses to the ground and blinds. 😊
2019.06.03 Almost at top of the mountain where the monastery (chapel) of Panagia Tsambika is.
2019.06.03 Climbing the rocks to the top of the mountain and the monastery (chapel) of Panagia Tsambika.
2019.06.03 By the pointers to the “7 Spriings” (Epta Piges) yoy can understand where I am (on the Rhodes).
2019.06.03 Somewhere between the mountains and greenery of the “7 Springs” of the Rhodes.
2019.06.03 Someone, walking over the deep, had broken the bridge and bent the rails, but not me. 😊
2019.06.03 Sitting at the foot of the “7 Springs” waterfall on the island of Rhodes.
2019.06.03 At the helm of the waterfall. 😊
2019.06.03 At the exit of the “7 Springs” magic tunnel on the island of Rhodes.
2019.06.02 “Statue” with the Greek flag at the Northern end of the Rhodes with the confluence of the Aegean and Mediterranean seas.
2019.06.02 With the Greek flag at the Northern end of the Rhodes island where the Aegean (at the left) and Mediterranean (at the right) seas meet.
2019.06.02 In the caves of the Rhodes City Aquarium.
2019.06.02 Stylized Colossus of Rhodes in the background… or in the foreground?.. 😊
2019.06.01 As this was in Rhodes, most likely, this is my confrontation not just with an abstract Greek athlete but with the Colossus of Rhodes. 😊
2019.06.01 Behind the wheel of a nice city quad bike (supposedly an electric one).
2019.06.01 Recently I've learnt a special term for this – “ecosexual”. 😮
2019.06.01 Me, the Great :-), and the Palace of the Grand Master in Rhodes.
2019.06.01 At the foot of the Roloi clock tower in the Old City of Rhodes.
2019.06.01 Inside the Roloi clock tower in the Old City of Rhodes with a view to a cruise ship.
2019.06.01 I am looking through (broken) glasses to the Suleymaniye Mosque – the evidence of the Rhodes captured by the Ottomans in 1522.
2019.06.01 On the steps of a church in the Old City of Rhodes.
2019.06.01 To meet a knight in the Rhodes Fortress was as easy as to meet a tourist there today. 😊
2019.06.01 With a plaque reminding me that I'm at the Church of the Virgin of the Burgh in the city of Rhodes.
2019.06.01 Me and an ocean liner in the Port of Rhodes.
2019.06.01 “Me and great people”, particularly, Cleobulus – 1 of the 7 Sages of Greece and the ruler of Rhodes' Lindos.
2019.06.01 I am drinking blue lemonade.
2019.05.31 Against the background of the Rhodes sunset.
2019.05.31 I am trying to portray a heart with a stone in the form of a heart .
2019.05.31 Squinting me and a (working!) flower clock.
2019.05.31 While I was leaning against a streetlight, Dzyuba appeared in the background. 😊
2019.05.31 Greeks know how to make bouquets of my size!.. 😊
2019.05.31 Against the background of the Church of the Virgin of the Burgh in the city of Rhodes.
2019.05.31 Rhodes lad rules the Old City.
2019.05.31 With 3 dolphins on the waterfront of Rhodes.
2019.05.31 Looking at the Mediterranean Sea from the Rhodes Fortress.
2019.05.31 Sitting at the foot of a tower of the Rhodes Fortress.
2019.05.31 Assaulting the Rhodes Fortress (3).
2019.05.31 Assaulting the Rhodes Fortress (2).
2019.05.31 Assaulting the Rhodes Fortress (1).
2019.05.31 At one of the entrances to the Rhodes Fortress.
2019.05.31 Portraying the Colossus of Rhodes in the version with hands. 😊
2019.05.31 With my own yacht in Rhodes Bay of Saint Nicholas.
2019.05.31 With the fountain in front of the Saint Nicholas Bay with the pillars of the Colossus of Rhodes.
2019.05.31 The Colossus of Rhodes stood on these pillars above the entrance to the bay in a slightly different pose than I do. 😊
2019.05.31 The first time my feet test the temperature of the Mediterranean Sea on Rhodes.
2019.05.31 On the waterfront of Rhodes against the Fort of Saint Nicholas.
2019.05.30 Even if it isn't your first flight (though it's my first with the “Rossiya” airlines), it wouldn't be be superfluous to read the aviation safety rules.
2019.05.30 At the (plastic) waterfall in the “Vnukovo” airport.
2019.05.30 On the 2st floor of the capsule hotel at the “Vnukovo” airport.
2019.05.30 On the 1st floor of the capsule hotel at the “Vnukovo” airport.
2019.05.25 Within one wheel with a tree.
2019.05.22 Drawing Android'а on the marker wall at the office (photosession to the 30th anniversary of the company).
2019.05.21 Near the office building of the main work (photosession to the 30th anniversary of the company).
2019.05.21 At the main workplace (photosession to the 30th anniversary of the company).
2019.04.28 At the “RZD Arena” stadium during the 2nd half of a premier league match between the “Lokomotiv” and “Enisei” football clubs.
2019.04.28 At the “RZD Arena” stadium during the break of a premier league match between the “Lokomotiv” and “Enisei” football club.
2019.04.28 At the “RZD Arena” stadium before a premier league match between the “Lokomotiv” and “Enisei” football clubs.
2019.04.28 With the “RZD Arena” – the home stadium of the “Lokomotiv” football club.
2019.04.27 On the bank of the Moscow River with a little yellow boat.
2019.04.27 On the bank of the Moscow River with a white motor ship.
2019.04.27 As an active reader who likes Dostoevsky and respects Lenin, I could not help being photographed with all this.
2019.04.27 In the Alexandrovsky Garden with the Trinity Tower of the Kremlin in the background.
2019.04.27 With a grinning lioness over the grotto in the Alexandrovsky Garden.
2019.04.26 With the lower part of the giant rainbow photographer in the “Riviera” trade and entertaining center.
2019.04.26 With the upper part of the giant rainbow photographer in the “Riviera” trade and entertaining center.