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Photoalbum of Stanislav

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Here you can find some photographs of me in different periods of life. It is not easy to distinguish between photos with me alone and those with my family and friends. However, here I am presented, though in my life I am rather a photographer than a photo object.













Year of 2016









































2016.12.30 Thinking about the beer technological process :-) in the beer restaurant “Max Bräu”.
2016.10.02 The younger son's bicycle is definitely small for me! 😊
2016.10.02 Another autumn photograph in a coat that already became a tradition (it is the 3rd year of).
2016.09.19 Vnukovo Airport, the 5th column and its representative :-) who is to the Motherland Russia!
2016.09.19 The Fountain of Friendship (Fontána Družba) between Russians and (Czecho)Slovaks in Bratislava is as much neglected as the friendship itself. :-(
2016.09.19 Some mysterious architectural constructions of ancient times on the territory of the Bratislava Castle (Bratislavský hrad) and the modern Bratislava in the distance.
2016.09.19 That day it was very windy in Bratislava but this did not screw up the view from the Bratislava Castle (Bratislavský hrad) to the Danube.
2016.09.19 I thought that the “Ministry of Fairness” (Ministerstvo spravedlivosti) is something from George Orwell's dystopian novel “Nineteen Eighty-Four”… and it turned out that it exists in our reality as the Ministry of Justice in Slovakia. 😊
2016.09.19 A monument to a plumber in Bratislava is called “Idler” (Čumil), and the best way to take a picture with it is lying – thanks to the clear sidewalk!..
2016.09.19 Until the photo camera called me, I was watching the New Bridge (Nový most) over the Danube in Bratislava.
2016.09.18 A Roman legionary… in Vienna, and I am trying to repeat his face and pose. 😊
2016.09.18 At the Holocaust memorial dedicated to the 65 thousand Jews killed. :-(
2016.09.18 When we say “Putin”, we imply “KGB”, and as KGB is everywhere, Putin is in Vienna, too. 😊
2016.09.18 Portions in the Viennese cafe “Salmon & Beer” (Salm Bräu) are extremely huge!..
2016.09.18 The true Austrian (German) pork knuckle (Eisbein) of huge size!.. 😮
2016.09.18 Carefully cut tree towers, cascaded water and the rear side of the Upper Belvedere (Oberes Belvedere Schloss) castle – that is imperial Vienna!
2016.09.18 Vienna, the square in front of the Upper Belvedere (Oberes Belvedere Schloss) castle that was a summer residence of Prince Eugene of Savoy.
2016.09.18 It seems like the iron pig is a guard of the Viennese castle Upper Belvedere (Oberes Belvedere Schloss), so watch your fingers! 😊
2016.09.18 Walking in an Austrian street, in a residential area of Vienna.
2016.09.18 At an Austrian private house with a little land plot and a little Fiat 500.
2016.09.18 Looking through the metal grate of the Danube Tower (Donauturm) at residential areas of Vienna.
2016.09.18 Vienna, the Danube Park (Donaupark), the Danube Tower (Donauturm) that has never been a TV/radio broadcasting tower though it looks like.
2016.09.17 Vienna, the Arik Brauer's House (Arik-Brauer-Haus) painted as “fantastic realism” by Austrian artist Arik Brauer.
2016.09.17 As we traveled to Vienna without our children, a traditional photograph with a local policeman is not with the elder son but with me. 😊
2016.09.17 With anticipation for the unusual berries'n'yogurt dessert in the famous Viennese cafe “Mozart”.
2016.09.17 I am in the famous Viennese cafe “Mozart”, feeling myself happy, though the order is not yet brought.
2016.09.17 I have just met a car in Vienna that looks like exactly our first one, Peugeot 107.
2016.09.17 I was surprised to note that the Vienna Academic Gymnasium (Akademisches Gymnasium) was the secondary school for Erwin Schrödinger, a Nobel Prize-winning Austrian physicist.
2016.09.17 Vienna City Park (Wiener Stadtpark), me on the stairs border, and a view to a weak branch of the Vienna river (Wienfluss).
2016.09.17 There is modern Vienna behind my back, with a building of the Raiffeisen bank (Raiffeisen-Holding Niederösterreich-Wien).
2016.09.17 Vienna, Saint Rupert's Square (Ruprechtsplatz) and, accordingly, Saint Rupert's Church (Ruprechtskirche).
2016.09.17 A strange wooden ball with windows, signed as “border checkpoint” (Grenzübergang) of “Kugel-Mugel Republic” (Republik Kiugelmugel) 😮 in the Vienna Prater (Weiner Prater) park.
2016.09.17 My wife was afraid to stand so and take a picture with this guy in the Vienna Prater amusement park (Wurstelprater), and I am brave enough!.. :-D
2016.09.17 Sitting on a turning king statue in the Vienna Prater amusement park (Wurstelprater).
2016.09.17 It is the first time I saw field hockey in action on a stadium of the Vienna Prater (Weiner Prater) park.
2016.09.17 Vienna, in the art cafe of the Hundertwasser's House (Kunst-Cafe im Hundertwasserhaus).
2016.09.17 Vienna, the Hundertwasser's House (Hundertwasserhaus), its “sagged” arch with “patches”, fountain with the inflow of a sidewalk.
2016.09.17 Vienna, the Hundertwasser's House (Hundertwasserhaus) designed by Austrian artist Friedensreich Hundertwasser.
2016.09.17 Feeling myself a “gas ruler” at the Vienna Gasometers (Wiener Gasometer).
2016.09.16 Tried a hat in one of Viennese souvenir shops, along with a happy face of an Austrian burgher. 😊
2016.09.16 Vienna, Saint Stephen's Cathedral (Stephansdom), the South Tower (Südturm), 343 stairs down and twisting.
2016.09.16 Vienna, Saint Stephen's Cathedral (Stephansdom), the South Tower (Südturm), one of transitional grounds on the way down.
2016.09.16 With a terrible face to match the characters of the Viennese fountain “Power [of Austria] on Land” (“Die Macht zu Lande” Brunnen).
2016.09.16 Sitting on the border of a pond with a fountain in the People Garden (Volksgarten) of Vienna.
2016.09.16 Vienna, the gothic Votive Church (Votivkirche) which spires are white and sides are black just like they are burned.
2016.09.16 Vienna, Sigmund Freud Park, me on an iron squiggle that is definitively considered as an “art object” and a “brilliant installation”. 😊
2016.09.16 You feel yourself so small near the majestic gothic building of the the Vienna City Hall (Wiener Rathaus)…
2016.09.16 The major thing here is the Vienna City Hall (Wiener Rathaus) behind my back and not a streetlight growing from my head. 😊
2016.09.16 The unsuccessful try of photo montage :-( of me allegedly drinking from the fountain in front of the Vienna City Hall (Wiener Rathaus).
2016.09.16 Some unknown emperor :-) before Austria became a parliamentary republic.
2016.09.16 “Who is more gothic?” competition :-) in front of the Austrian Parliament.
2016.09.16 Vienna, the People Garden (Volksgarten), which entrance could not be found for a long time, unlike its name.
2016.09.16 Catching free soap bubbles on a Viennese square.
2016.09.16 Vienna, a monument to Maria Theresia, the only female ruler of the Habsburg dominions and the last of the House of Habsburg.
2016.09.16 Vienna, the Natural History Museum (Naturhistorisches Museum Wien) that was built by the House of Habsburg specifically as a museum because their residence (Hofburg) had not enough space for their huge collection of natural natural exhibits.
2016.09.16 Vienna, the entrance to the Heroes' Square (Heldenplatz) with the label “Franz I, the Emperor of Austria, 1824” (Franciscus I. Imperator Austriae MDCCCXXIV).
2016.09.16 Some babies :-) and I, with the Castle Garden (Burggarten) of Vienna in the background.
2016.09.16 Vienna, the Castle Garden (Burggarten) and the Hofburg Palace behind it, the is a winter residence of Austrian House of Habsburg and the major residence of the the imperial court.
2016.09.16 After the unsuccessful to jump and sit on the cup of the Albrecht/Danubius fountain in Vienna.
2016.09.16 At the famous Viennese cafe “Mozart” existing since 1794! 😮
2016.09.16 Pretending as helping to push the truck into the building of the Vienna State Opera (Wiener Staatsoper).
2016.09.16 In a gallery of the Vienna State Opera (Wiener Staatsoper), searching for the evening box office.
2016.09.16 Just another mix of classic (the Vienna State Opera, Wiener Staatsoper) and modern “art” (a pink rabbit that is could be the symbol of Albertina Passage Dinner Сlub downstairs).
2016.09.16 The Vienna State Opera (Wiener Staatsoper) is one zebra crossing away from me.
2016.09.16 The Vienna State Opera (Wiener Staatsoper) is hidden behind a modern Vienna tram (Strassenbahn).
2016.09.16 Right in front of the famous and ancient Saint Charles's Church in Vienna (Wiener Karlskirche) there is a strange modern squiggle by English sculptor Henry Moore entitled “Hill Arches”.
2016.09.16 Schönbrunn station of the the Vienna Metro (U-Bahn Wien), and I am pretending as reading a free Austrian newspaper… without understanding anything in German. 😊
2016.09.16 “King-size ball” is the only ball suitable for Austrian royal football. 😊
2016.09.16 Vienna, the Schönbrunn Palace is the major summer residence of Austrian emperors from the House of Habsburg.
2016.09.16 I am on a bridge over an aboveground part of the Vienna Metro (U-Bahn Wien).
2016.09.16 People say that all water in Vienna is drinking and supplied directly from Alpine sources.
2016.09.16 Vienna, I am not completely awakened, with the Church of Mary of Victories (Kirche Maria vom Siege) in the background.
2016.09.15 Bratislava Airport (Letisko), I have just left the “Arrivals” (Prilety) hall and got into the summer.
2016.09.15 Vnukovo Airport, it is time to fly to Vienna, more exactly, to Bratislava.
2016.08.27 Endlessly deep sky was above me then.
2016.08.27 Hanging higher to see farther. 😊
2016.08.27 This is how bent birch trees are made. 😊
2016.08.27 Bending the tree with one left arm. 😊
2016.08.27 “Run, Forrest, run!..” in the forest. 😊
2016.08.27 You feel yourself younger among ancient ferns. 😊
2016.08.27 That was not me who broke the birch tree! 😊
2016.08.27 Among sunflowers at the family dacha.
2016.05.30 In the girlish sun glasses found by one of my sons. 😊
2016.05.30 By the Pescadora fountain on the circle of Puerto de Santiago / Los Gigantes.
2016.05.30 On the beach of Playa de los Guios near Los Gigantes rocks.
2016.05.30 With Los Gigantes rocks behind you feel yourself so small…
2016.05.29 As a guardian of a strange stone tower on a coast of the volcanic island of Tenerife.
2016.05.28 Rowing… on one of the freely available exercisers in a part of the Tenerife island.
2016.05.27 I also do selfies!.. :-) On the beach of Playa Chica, a view from the beach to the road above.
2016.05.26 The Drago Millenario tree and a little human. 😊
2016.05.26 Just a city park in the capital of the Canary Islands.
2016.05.26 Islas Canarias, Opel Astra, above the clouds.
2016.05.26 The green horizon is definitely fallen on its side.
2016.05.26 Amateur beach rock climber. 😊
2016.05.26 On the white-sand beach called Playa del Duque, on the island of Tenerife.
2016.05.25 Run, Forrest, run!.. From that wave, Forrest, the wave!.. 😊
2016.05.25 A Еuropian Renault Captur before its Russian version, Kaptur, started to be on sale.
2016.05.25 A trivial example of combined photography, someting like a stone torch.
2016.05.25 Somewhere on a road in the Teide National Park.
2016.05.25 Lithospheric changes tried to unroot the pine but it stands still.
2016.05.25 Life on lava fields of the volcanic Tenerife island.
2016.05.25 Being surprised that car drivers on Tenerife do not have personal pumps but use public and free pneumatic machines of gas stations.
2016.05.24 An attempt to use a strange metallic construction looking like a clip/staple monument as a horizontal bar.
2016.05.24 On a breakwater of Playa de las Americas (that little yellow dot:-).
2016.05.24 On a beach of Playa de las Americas with waves for surfers no less than Hawaiian ones.
2016.05.24 The first time of driving a car rented abroad.
2016.05.23 Whatever side you choose, you get tropical climate.
2016.05.23 This is definitely my size!.. :-) The pot is for my room's windowsill. 😊
2016.05.22 On a pleasure yacht in the harbor near Los Gigantes rocks of the Tenerife island.
2016.05.22 Closeup with the well-known Los Gigantes rocks of the Tenerife island.
2016.05.21 Behind the observation ground on the rocky island of Tenerife.
2016.05.21 2/3 of my growth with the well-known Los Gigantes rocks of the Tenerife island.
2016.05.20 On a stone coast of the volcanic island of Tenerife.
2016.05.11 On the alley along the Kremlin wall, with the Red Square to the right.
2016.05.11 A view from the Moskvoretskaya embankment to me and the Kremlin.
2016.05.11 In Moscow, with one the Stalin's skyscrapers in the background.
2016.05.09 Among spring tulips at the dacha.
2016.05.01 That's how a Russian looks at his dacha. 😊
2016.01.04 Me and the New Year's tree in the beginning of 2016. 
© 2016 at the studio
2016.01.04 Me and the New Year's tree after celebrating 2016. 
© 2016 at the studio
2016.01.04 Lying on a show-shite flight strip. :-) 
© 2016 at the studio