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Multi-Variant Identification with Loginza

The given article is the continuation of the talking on trusted network identification of users on a website, particularly using the multi-variant identification Loginza, which is also an OpenId provider.


Let me remind you that in the last article we stopped at that for a long time I could not decide to start the implementation of OpenId identification on my website from scratch. And this could continue even longer, if once a friend of mine did not gave me the link to the Loginza identification service. The main page of its website stated that it is an OpenId provider “offering the users of your websites a long list of authentication options via accounts of wide-spread web portals and services” (Google, LiveJournal, etc.) but it seems not all of them identify users according to the OpenId protocol (at least the explanation for developers says, “it is a united authorization mechanism using various user authentication algorithms of various providers”).

However, it is convenient for a website users to have so many identification options at once. But the main thing is that Loginza has a simple API and can be easily implemented on any website, significantly reducing work efforts to develop visitors identification in general and according to the OpenId protocol in particular. Then my first impression was: here it is, the thing that will move from the dead point the implementation of user identification on my website!..

But then came the thoughts of a software developer who is critical towards others' software components, especially when they are closed, and when a significant part of the developed feature could depend on them. So the second impression was:

  • Loginza is not the well-known and wide-used identification service (that was the first time I heard of it and never saw it implemented on websites before);
  • Loginza is not internationally recognized (not long before I implemented AddThis on my website, and its statistics was impressive: 9 million of domain and 1 billion of users);
  • particularly, because of at that moment Loginza was only in Russian (and it was a significant limitation for my bilingual website);
  • at last, as Loginza was free of charge, there was a reasonable question about payments in the future (again, a significant limitation for my non-commercial website).

And here how these fears were dispelled:

  • I did not find then anything similar in functionality, implementation simplicity and free of charge on the Internet;
  • the international recognition for me was replaced by a short comment of my friend who is a software developer working in the USA: “judging by the description, Loginza is cool, and should be used”; he also told me about the American analog – “Stack Overflow” which is the part of the “Stack Exchange” websites group with the united identification mechanism – but the appropriate API could not allow to use it;
  • as for the English language support, I contacted the Loginza developers by myself, translated for them all the interface elements to English, and the joint efforts allowed us to implement the language switch as fast as possible (English was the second supported language, and now there are more of them);
  • the question on free/paid services of Loginza somebody did ask in the official forum before me, and the support service's answer was enough for me: “There will be some paid features but only as additional for the current functionality”.

Thus, Loginza was finally selected as the user identification mechanism of my website. Later I insisted on the implementing the Loginza identification in one of our company’s projects, the Vladimir regional events service called “When Will It Be?”

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