StingRay Logo

Social Networks
Human Silhouette

Kamikaze Logo

Kamikaze Logo

5 Apr 2016 20:28:38 Howard Elgison (IP) #1
Cool image. Is it copyrighted. If so, how can I use it?
Thanks, Howard
6 Apr 2016 12:59:53 Stanislav (IP) #2
Yes, the author of the logo, Oleg Babulin a.k.a. Kamikaze, has just kindly allowed you to use the image. Please, let us know how you are planning to use it, and give us a link if the place of use is public. 😉
6 Apr 2016 18:40:14 Howard (IP) #3
We are going to use as a graphic for a humorous article titled "Kamikaze Airlines Customer Survey Form". It will be in our upcoming e-zine website Should be online in about a month.
10 Apr 2016 20:48:43 Google Алексей Будаев #4
Really cool image )) Like it a lot.